I love us :)

I love us :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bryn update

Well we went to the Dr on Monday and Bryn now weighs 20 lbs. 3 oz. That actually puts her in the 73rd percentile (she was in the 90th last time) so that is good. She is 28.25 inches long and she wears 12 mo. clothes with no problem now. Crazy huh. And she is starting to stand on her own without holding on to anything. She does try to take steps but she just falls, however, I know that walking is only a week or two away. And, finally, her first top tooth just popped through today! It is her right front tooth and that thing has been trying to come through for 2 months so yay!!


RaCHELLE HuRD said...

i can't believe she will be walking soon!!! what an accelerated child you have! :) i love it when babies learn to walk under the age of one, i think it looks so cute cuz they are so small!!

Jamie W. said...

Love the huge flower on her head!!!