Bryn is now 13 months old. Here are some of the things she can do at this age:
-she can sign 'more' and 'all done' and shake her head no.
- she can say 4 words consistently, da-da, ma-ma, tickle-tickle and yea.
- she can point to her nose, eyes, ears, hair, tongue, tummy, bellybutton, and toes.
-she can clap, wave her arms, splash, kick her legs, blow/give kisses, and tickle (usually herself) on command.
-she loves music and will dance whenever she hears it
-she eats everything that I give her as long as she can self-feed. Anything that I have to feed her she will spit out.
-she loves to point to herself if you say "where's the baby?"
- she likes to watch Elmo's world, Your Baby can read videos and Baby Einsteins.
- she has become a mamas girlie and I have to sit on the floor so she can climb into my lap whenever she wants. And if I sit on the couch she cries until I pick her up and then she tries to climb onto the back of the couch.
- she likes to pull all the books off of 1 specific shelf in our office and no matter what I block it with she still gets back there and yanks all the books off over and over. I have given up on picking them up- I only do it about once every few weeks now.
- she has decided that when I am at the store she can walk for herself and so I have to hold her hand and basically drag her everywhere since where she wants to go is usually not where I need to go. And I have to push the cart one handed.
- she drinks a ton!! Can we say camel? She drinks 18 oz of milk and 30 oz of watered down juice a day. Her dad drinks a ton too - must be one of those hereditary things.
-she sleeps all night and never wakes up but has decided that naps are much better when Mom is holding her. She will go to sleep in her crib just fine then wake up crying after 45 min and the second I pick her up she just snuggles in and goes back to sleep. Bad habit!
- she moos when she sees her cow toys or a picture of a cow.
- she can both click pens and take lids off and if she finds one we accidentally leave where she can get it she writes on herself.
- she is obsessed with water bottles and she will carry empty ones around for fun.
- she will let any girl pick her up but she won't let any guy (except Dad and Grandpas) pick her up. If they do, she screams.
-and finally she loves to give kisses and she will give mom a kiss, then dad, then mom and keep going until she gets distracted by something else.
I sure love her, even when my butt hurts from sitting on the floor all day and I got no work done because she made me hold her during her nap!